Tuesday 13 December 2016


DISCLAIMER: All of my posts that are like EXPECTATIONS, are not meant to be depressing or sad in nature. They are simply feelings that I have felt at certain times in my life. I am sure most of you have felt the same at least once in your life. Just because I enjoy expressing that feeling, it does not mean I am depressed. I am as happy as can be, but, like anyone else, I have ups and downs in my life. EXPECTATIONS is currently the only slightly darker post I have here, but I do plan to write more blogs expressing feelings. Please do not, though, tag my entire blog to be sad, because I have posted lots of things that are not sad. That said, I will try to make posts with lighter themes.
Keep reading!


  1. You aren't depressed. Your blog is just kinda sad.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I post one post about my feelings and suddenly my entire blog becomes sad!
      I wrote a horror story, a movie review, and a descriptive text and I don't think they were sad.
