Wednesday 14 December 2016

A More Informal Description of Me

My name is Lahari and I'm 14. My zodiac sign is a Virgo and I love the word 'pig'.
I like singing, books, math, food, politics, and philosophy.

One of my really good friends describes me as a toilet. I flush out all the stuff that bothers me and forget about it immediately afterwards. What she's trying to say is that I run away from all my problems and don't think about one thing for too long. I'm generally a happy person and I don't like being mean to others and I love everybody. I'm pretty popular, have loads of friends, and I'm talented in various things.

I've got an amazing best friend and honestly, a pretty ideal life compared to other people across the globe. I like thinking about philosophical questions that don't have answers and knowing a bit about international relations, global politics, and foreign policy. Math is life, although most of you won't agree with me.

I've been an avid reader since I was 2 and I mostly read fiction, but after developing my interest in politics and philosophy, non fiction has become more appealing. I've read so much YA Fiction, I'm practically a walking To-Read-List for my bookworm friends. You name it, I've read it.  My favourite book fandom is the Shadowhunter Fandom.

I used to worship manga and anime, but recently, I've lost interest in it, although I still love the Japanese language.

I've just joined the K-Pop group BTS's fandom, ARMY and am completely obsessed, although you should know that my obsessions don't last for very long.

Among my friends, I'm known as the crazy one. I've got weird hair that sticks up straight in the front which has gotten me into some trouble at school because I look extremely untidy. I personally think of it as my very own trademark, but of course, I'm trying to keep my hair down. I am extremely abnormal, do the most insensible things possible, and am very, very, very loud. My parents say I have no sense of shame, which just might be true.

I will mix any number of different foods just to see if their tastes complement each other. In my family, we are not allowed to refuse to eat any kind of food or vegetable, so since birth, I've been taught to try various tastes. I dislike certain food items, but I will eat them, no matter how much I hate them.

The one thing I would sacrifice everything else for to do all my life, is singing. I want to pursue western classical/pop singing, but it's sort of hard in a place like India. Yet, I'm looking for ways to improve my voice and grow as a singer. I'm a certified bathroom singer. Once there was even this time when I was shoved into the bathroom to sing because my parents and little sister couldn't concentrate on their work due my loud singing. I am always, always singing -  during class, when I'm brushing, when I'm reading, always. It helps me concentrate more than listening to music does.

There is practically no extracurricular activity I haven't tried. Here's my list of what classes I have taken in life:

  1. Tennis
  2. Gymnastics
  3. Swimming
  4. Kung Fu
  5. Sketching
  6. Painting
  7. Craft
  8. Bharatanatyam
  9. Calligraphy
  10. Classical Singing
  11. Western Singing
  12. ArtReach
  13. Kinder Music
  14. Kumon
  15. Theatre
  16. Robotics
  17. Keyboard/Piano
Now if I just take flying classes, I would have done everything. I have taken all these classes because I don't want there to be a field where I have no experience whatsoever.

So yeah, that's it about me. In this blog I will maybe discuss philosophical questions that I find interesting, weird things that I have realised, random ramblings, my opinion on various topics, and my reviews on books, movies, manga and anime. That's about it I guess. I want to keep posting short snippets of my personality like this, because it keeps changing.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Rules Vs. Freedom

This argumentative text is quite sloppy and the points are a bit unclear, as the topic would have served better as a topic for a philosophical debate, rather than an argumentative text.

Rules Over Freedom?

         Imagine a world without rules, where people were free to do whatever they liked. It seems amazing, does it not? A land of complete freedom where nothing, not even committing murder, would be considered to be a crime. Is this the kind of world we want, where freedom takes precedence over order, rules, and law? I am afraid not.  
          Freedom is a feeling that every human being craves for, an integral part of who we are. How different are we from caged animals if we have rules and laws that restrict our freedom? Without the freedom of thought or expression, we would be still living in a totalitarian land governed by dictators. In a way, more freedom would bring about more equality than our current governing system does, as each human being would have the equal right to do as they please. Surveys taken by the New York Times show that 80% of the people would select freedom over rules.

          Furthermore, if the power rules have is reduced, there is more room for individuality and new ideas. Humans would find it easier to express new thoughts, and uniformity would be sparse. People would be much happier as they are free to think, express, and argue. With increased freedom to people, less wrongs will be committed as people will enunciate their protest against flawed rules and detrimental laws. People will have more of a say in how they want to live their own lives.

         On the other hand, rules and laws are concepts that ensure that humans do not resort to practices native to savage beasts. If freedom is given unconditionally or in excess, anarchy is quite likely. A governing system with proper rules and laws is absolutely necessary to prevent utter chaos and preserve order. It is much like a schooling system. If children do not have rules enforced upon them up to some extent, they will not know the difference between right and wrong and will grow up to become worse human beings.

         Rules are also required to provide personal safety. If personal freedom is supreme, then crime rates will increase as laws will be more lax and criminals will have more freedom to do crimes. Without a fair share of rules, morality and the definition of what makes us human will be lost. There will be murders, robberies and rapes happening everyday, as the law is much easier to get around. The judiciary system may also lose some of its power and people would lose their trust in the government as they are not protecting the citizens of the country.

         To conclude, I would like to emphasise on the point that a decrease in the number of rules could lead to anarchy and the loss of lives. Freedom is not utterly nonexistent in our present world, even though rules are present. Rules and freedom coexist peacefully, complementing one another, so why increase the amount of freedom we already have?



DISCLAIMER: All of my posts that are like EXPECTATIONS, are not meant to be depressing or sad in nature. They are simply feelings that I have felt at certain times in my life. I am sure most of you have felt the same at least once in your life. Just because I enjoy expressing that feeling, it does not mean I am depressed. I am as happy as can be, but, like anyone else, I have ups and downs in my life. EXPECTATIONS is currently the only slightly darker post I have here, but I do plan to write more blogs expressing feelings. Please do not, though, tag my entire blog to be sad, because I have posted lots of things that are not sad. That said, I will try to make posts with lighter themes.
Keep reading!


So, just recently I learnt about minisagas at school, so I wrote two of them as class work. Here they are:

The Reluctant Leaf
           The leaf watched the last of his brothers fall to the ground. It hing on for dear life, scared of the unknown. A gush of wind finally detached it, and the leaf descended. A slight breeze came to soften his harsh passage into a foreign, unexplored neverland devoid of life.

A Forgotten Member
            So many parties, successful business deals,and shared stories. So many tears, laughs, and cries witnessed. Yet, as it grew old and its shine wore off, it lay abandoned, left to rot with lesser ornaments of trivial worth. The litres of tea it had poured for its ungrateful masters, forgotten.

I just wanted to know. Does anyone, who isn't from my grade, know what I am talking about in the second minisaga? 

Monday 12 December 2016

Our Dining Table

It is a place of worship, my dining table - a befitting temple to the most tempting of the seven deadly sins, gluttony; a gallery filled with the most scrumptious works of art known to mankind; a table where sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and hot delicacies present themselves in all of their glory, garnished with exotic spices and flavoured by my mother’s expertise; a thread of connection between busy family members. It was built in a style no manufacturer of this generation would ever be able to replicate, with complicated structures made to hold the heavy ovular table top in place. The rich Malaysian wood has lost its shine over the years, some of it disintegrating slowly into dust. Leathered seats that were once the pride of our family have faded into a murky, unappealing brown shade, bringing upon a look of disgust from visitors. Its elliptical shape can cater to six full grown adults, but there have been times when I have seen it open its arms to accommodate more and more family members, never willing to abandon a strand of hair gone astray. Childish engravings and colourful drawings add to its beauty, sovereigns of the times numerous children have played in its lap and spit food on its elegant tabletop. In today’s world, where parents have no time for their children and children have no patience to handle their parents, our table brings us together, for that one meal at the end of the day, where problems are discussed, emotions are shared, and memories are made. Our dining table has helped me take my first step as a baby, put up with my frustrated bouts of teenage anger, and watched over me as I made my place in this world, as it has done for all my ancestors. Houses have changed, people have changed, and generations have passed, but our dining table has remained a time machine to transport me back into times long gone and often forgotten. Now it sits there, empty, waiting for the clock to strike two o’clock pm so that it may once more be filled with chattering voices and satisfied sighs.